Election Information

As of 2012, general elections in Saskatchewan are held every four years, or at any time (through a by-election) should a vacancy on Council occur. The next municipal election will be held in the fall of 2024.


Election 2024 Municipal Elections: Important Information 
The 2024 Municipal elections will be held on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024. All five elected official positions, including the Mayor, are up for election.

  Key Dates and Deadlines - First Call for Nominations: Wednesday, October 9th, 2024- Nomination Deadline: Forms must be submitted by 4:00 PM on October 9th, 2024

   How to Become a Candidate

 1. Get the Nomination Form: Find the link to the nomination form below.

2. Fill Out the Form: Complete all required fields and gather the necessary signatures.

3. Submit the Form: You can submit your completed nomination form by email or in person by 4:00 PM on October 9th, 2024.

   - Email:    grandcoulee.cap@sasktel.net

   - In Person: 102 Railway Avenue, Grand Coulee ( Town Office)

   - A receipt will be given upon submission.

  Additional Requirements

 - Public Disclosure Statement: Along with your nomination form, you must submit a public disclosure statement. This is also available via the links below.

- Read All Instructions: Make sure you understand all the information and requirements before submitting your documents.

- Review Period: Once submitted, nomination forms will be available for the public to review.

- Withdrawal Deadline: Candidates have 24 hours to withdraw their nomination after the close of the Nomination Day.


 Helpful Links

- [Nomination Form]()   Use the form from under the 2024 election file ( save as PDF for the website.)

- [Public Disclosure Statement]()   found in the 2024 election file as well

 This information is designed to help those interested in running for office or voting in the upcoming elections. Make sure to review all details carefully to ensure a smooth nomination process.

Information for Candidates

Information for Voters