Town FAQs

Below are some of the most common questions we hear from our citizens.

Additional, helpful information regarding the Town’s vision, direction, challenges and opportunities can be found under the Did You Know section of our Strategic Planning page.


 Home Insurance

We advise everyone to make sure that they have the appropriate Fire Fighting Insurance, we recommend that you have at least $10,000.00 firefighting coverage. The average firefighting costs can range from $1,200.00 to upwards of $10,000.00. Contact your local insurance broker for more information.

 Utility Bills

Utility bills are monthly. Currently, you can pay your utilities online (except through Royal Bank), via e-transfer, cheque or cash. Credit and Debit cards are not accepted. Cheques can be made out to the Town of Grand Coulee. If you wish, you can slide the cheques through the door slot at the office if it is closed. Please do not put cash through the slot.  Actual water readings occur quarterly.  If you wish to have an actual reading each month, please email your reading to by the 29th of the month.

 Dog Licenses

Dog licenses can be acquired at the town office free of charge. Only dogs that are not already tattooed or microchipped require a free tag.


Canada Post: Update Regarding the New Address and Postal Code