Hall Rental

The Town Hall, located at 102 Railway Avenue, is available for rent. Your rental includes the use of tables/chairs and full kitchen. Renters are responsible for restoring the facility, including bathrooms, to the way it was when you arrived. The rink canteen is also available for rental along with the board room at the town hall.  Rental fees are as follows:

  • Damage Deposit (refundable) – $100
  • Rental Fee ½ day – $60.00 up to three hours
  • Rental Fee Full day – $100.00 anything over three hours in one day
  • External/Corporate -  $100.00 
  • Board Room Rental - $30.00 for 3 hours or less and $45.00 for over 3 hours.
  • Rink Canteen - $45.00 for 3 hours or less and $75.00 for over 3 hours.

Below you will find the hall availability & Rental Agreement. If you are interested in booking the hall, rink shack or board room, email.