Community Engagment & Recreation

Get ready to discover a new way to engage with your community! The Town of Grand Coulee is thrilled to introduce Krystal Ulmer, our talented Recreation and Community Engagement Coordinator. With her extensive knowledge and creative ideas, Krystal is dedicated to promoting the social wellness of our community and beyond.

Are you bursting with excitement and ideas for community events? Krystal is eager to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to her with your thoughts and suggestions. She’s always on the lookout for fresh perspectives to make our community events even better.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. If you’re looking to get more involved in your community, we encourage you to volunteer your time and talents. We need people like you to help bring our events to life. Without dedicated volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to provide the engaging and exciting activities that make our community thrive.

So don’t hesitate – reach out to Krystal and get involved in your community today! Together, we can make our town a vibrant and welcoming place for everyone.

Upcoming Activities:


Grand Coulee Pre School Volunteers Needed

The Grand Coulee Preschool is a not-for-profit organization run by a Board of volunteers to provide the community a preschool for children ages 3-5. It is a valuable part of the community and helps children to transition from the home to kindergarten. Being a parent of a kindergarten kid, I know that preschool has been a valuable resource that has enabled my child to successfully meet the kindergarten learning goals.

With that being said, we NEED parents or community members to help fill some of the roles on the Board. We have several members that have been on the board for years and would like to transition off the Board and we need new members to fill these seats. The Board currently has 5 members and we really need to have 6. I am planning to step down as president/chair of the Board after this school year but would be happy to remain on the Board to help transition a new person into the role.

There are other positions on the Board that will need to be filled as well, as we have members moving on to other commitments. Without the Board, the Grand Coulee Preschool will not exist.

For more information, please reach out to me at 306-540-4550 or at

Thanks for your attention to this important matter for our community.

Michelle DeCorby

President/Chair Grand Coulee Preschool