
Municipal Taxes
Your municipal taxes pay for the day to day operation of the municipality such as police, fire, road maintenance, parks and recreational facilities, municipal administration, public works staff,  council costs, etc.

Education Property Taxes – Prairie Valley School Division
The Town of Grand Coulee is responsible for collecting a portion of the provincial education tax from town property owners on behalf of the Provincial Government. The Board of Education relies on property taxes to support education throughout the province. While the Town is required by legislation to collect school taxes, the municipality has no control over the setting of the tax rates.

Taxation FAQs
Property and other taxes imposed by the Town are deemed to be imposed on the first day of January in each year and shall be due on September 30th of the same year. There will be no discounts for early payments. For more information on tax deadlines and penalties view the Property Tax Penalties Bylaw.

You cannot appeal your tax notice or your tax rate, you can only appeal your assessment when the assessment roll is open.

Please contact the Town Office if you are unsure of your payment amount or to clear up any tax arrears.