Call for Volunteers: Community Garden Working Group

Call for Volunteers: Community Garden Working Group

At the Council meeting on July 9th, a resident proposed the idea of creating a community garden in our town. Following this discussion, it was decided to form a Community Garden Working Group. This group, consisting of volunteers, will collaborate with the Recreation Department, Public Works, and Town Administration to assess the feasibility and sustainability of a community garden.

We are seeking four volunteers from the public to join this working group. The group's objectives are to:

  1. Gauge Interest: Collect data by November-December on the number of residents interested in participating in the community garden.
  2. Secure Funding: Identify and secure funding sources to initiate the project.
  3. Identify Location: Determine a suitable location for the garden.
  4. Ensure Maintenance: Develop a plan for the ongoing maintenance and sustainability of the garden.

If you are interested in being part of this volunteer group, please submit your name and contact information to or We aim to have the committee established by September.

We look forward to your participation and support in this community initiative.