Update Drainage work to begin

Subject: Update: Grand Coulee Drainage Repair Project

Dear Residents,

We’re excited to bring you important news regarding the upcoming Drainage Repair Project, a vital step towards fortifying our town’s infrastructure. We understand that the project might cause some disruptions, and we truly appreciate your cooperation as we work together to enhance the resilience and efficiency of Grand Coulee.

To note: Town easement area as well as Driveways and culverts that lie in the town easement will be affected. Some culverts will be replaced.
Project Overview:

  • Starting Date: AUGUST 30TH
  • Phases
  • Centennial Drive to Railway Ave: The project kicks off here,
  • Timeline: Anticipated to take 5-6 days. August 30 – September 5/6
  • Expectations: You might notice construction crews working on these roads as we begin the repairs. Please be patient as we aim to minimize disruptions. there may be temporary changes to traffic flow. We appreciate your understanding as we improve the drainage system.
  • Both Sides of Centennial Drive: Start on one side move to the other side East will be first
  • Maple Avenue and Park Street: Once Centennial Drive is addressed, we will move on to Maple Avenue and Park Street.
  • Timeline: Estimated to take 3 days. September 6-9

Parking Details:

  • Temporary Vehicle Relocation: To facilitate construction, we kindly request that you temporarily relocate your vehicles from both streets and driveways.

Designated Parking:

You’ll have access to memorial parking areas for temporary vehicle placement.

Consideration: While we understand this may create some inconvenience, it greatly aids the construction team’s efforts and allows us to complete the work more quickly.
Preparing for Construction:

Relocating Items: If you have items such as rocks, trees, bushes, or structures within the town easement, please make arrangements to have them relocated before August 30th. This preparatory step significantly contributes to the project’s efficiency and success.

Addressing Concerns:

  • Your Feedback Matters: If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions related to the project, please don’t hesitate to contact us at GrandCoulee.Cap@Sasktel.net.
  • Early Communication: Sharing your feedback early helps us proactively address any potential issues and ensures a smoother process for everyone involved.

We recognize that the construction period may come with its challenges, and we genuinely appreciate your patience, understanding, and cooperation during this time. Your support plays a crucial role in the success of this project and in building a more resilient Grand Coulee for the future.

Thank you for your continued commitment to our community.
Council, Administration and Public Works