Road Update Jan 2024

Road Update

Hello Grand Coulee Ratepayers,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some important updates about our town's focus and plans for improvement. Following surveys in 2021 and 2023 and listening to your feedback, we've taken significant steps to address drainage concerns in 2023.

Now, Council’s attention is turning to road surfaces based on the findings from an assessment by Associated Engineers last fall and this winter . The assessment highlighted that the base of the roads contributes to the problem. To tackle this, Council is actively exploring the most feasible and financially effective ways to ensure our town has sustainable roads. Factors like cost, durability, traffic, weights, annual maintenance and future expansion are all being considered.

We're taking a thoughtful approach to make informed decisions. Council is actively looking into different options, and soon we'll be holding a town hall meeting to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Your input is vital in guiding our next steps. Please watch our website and the Facebook page for dates , soon to be provided.

Thank you for your understanding and involvement in shaping the future of Grand Coulee.



Heather Hind, CAO